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Court / Supervision following police assault

A SUTHERLAND man who kicked a police officer in the head has been placed under supervision. 

Ryan Murray, from Strathy, previously admitted at Lerwick Sheriff Court to the assault outside Lerwick’s Trench nightclub on 3 February.

He also admitted to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, and to struggling violently with police.

The court heard last month that the police had arrived to investigate another incident when Murray walked up to an on-duty officer, pulled back his fist and asked: “What would happen if I f***ing punched you right now?”

He was pushed against the police van by officers where he struggled, shouted, swore and threatened them.

As they placed him in the back of the van, he lashed out and kicked one of the policemen in the head.

This caused swelling and bleeding to his bottom lip, and he was left concussed for days after.

Lerwick Sheriff Court was told the police officer had headaches, nausea and was sensitive to light, and had to receive medical attention.

Murray appeared via video-link from hospital on Tuesday, after his sentencing had been deferred for the preparation of background reports.

Sheriff Ian Cruickshank decided to place Murray under supervision for a period of 12 months.

He said this would allow him to get mental health treatment too, as sought by his legal representation, for a minimum period of six months.

The supervision order was transferred to Wick Sheriff Court.

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