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Community / Eid Shop warning as new committee members sought for company which owns building

Photo: Eid Community Co-op

A WARNING has been made that the Eid Community Co-op could have to shut down unless new committee members are found for the company which owns the building it operates from.

Eid Developments Ltd is hosting an EGM at the Rankin Lounge in Aith tonight (Thursday) at 7pm, and anyone interested in helping out is encouraged to come along.

The company, established in 2004, owns the building from which the community shop operates.

Hazel Tindall said she has been a director of Eid Developments Ltd for 20 years but is standing down from the role – as is another director who has served 18 years.

“Most of us have been on the committee since day one, and some are going to be biding on,” she said.

“I think the average age of our committee is in the high 60s, so really we need young blood.”

Tindall is willing to guide the new committee for a period of time, and added that there is very little time demand on being a committee member.

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