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Education / Tribute to ‘stalwart’ Budge at final education meeting

Outgoing director of children's services Helen Budge.

A TRIBUTE was paid to the SIC’s outgoing children’s director Helen Budge earlier today in the council chamber as she attended her final education and families committee meeting before her retirement.

Committee chairman Davie Sandison said Budge will be a “big miss” as she hangs up her boots after 13 years in the director role.

He described Budge as a “stalwart of this council” and someone who has brought an “incredible amount of benefit” to the local authority.

Budge began her career as a teacher in 1989 at the Urafirth Primary School, before moving onto Dunrossness.

She moved into central management in 1999 and undertook several roles before becoming director in 2011.

Speaking alongside a tearful Budge, Sandison told Monday’s committee meeting that it had been an “absolute pleasure” working with the outgoing director.

He said there have been some “high achievements and some tough tasks” during her time.

Meanwhile recruitment for Budge’s successor continues, with a closing date for applications set for 8 September.

One of the most senior roles within the council, the job comes with a salary of just over £100,000 per year.

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