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Council / Councillors’ expenses down slightly on previous year

Council meetings are being held in the refurbished St Ringan's church. Photo: SIC

THE TOTAL expenses claimed by Shetland councillors in 2023/24 was down slightly on the previous year, figures show.

The total expenses came to £24,619 – compared to around £27,801 the previous year.

Nearly £4,000 of the latest figure results from subsistence expenses from leader Emma Macdonald, who often attends meetings outwith Shetland.

With nearly £5,500 listed in ‘other allowances and expenses’ the SIC leader’s total expenses came to almost £9,000.

Convener Andrea Manson’s total expenses were £2,288.

Some councillors received can/van mileage – the highest being the North Isles’ Robert Thomson at £2,608 – but many did not claim for any.

Ten councillors received what appeared to be the bare minimum in expenses – £20.67.

Expenses come on top of nationally set councillor salaries. The basic wage in 2023/24 was £20,099, which rises for chairs of boards and committees.

The leader’s salary in 2023/24 was £33,503, with the convener’s £25,128. However, these stand to rise by around one third following a Scotland-wide review of councillors’ renumeration.

Meanwhile councillors’ attendance figures show how Catherine Hughson and Liz Peterson attended the most meetings in 2023/24.

Hughson attended 44 out of 50 meetings and Peterson was present at 44 out of 45 meetings.

Neil Pearson and Bryan Peterson had no absences but they only had to attend 25 and 22 meetings respectively.

Other councillors who racked up a high number of attendances included Moraig Lyall (41), Davie Sandison (41) and Robert Thomson (38).

The highest number of absences came from Duncan Anderson (24 absences from 37 meetings).

The North Isles member said it is not easy to juggle council meeting schedules with having another full-time job on fixed shifts – while in 2023/24 he also became a father.

He added that he hopes to have an improved attendance rate in 2024/25 now that his son has moved past the newborn stage.

People can see view the expenses, renumeration and attendance lists on the Shetland Islands Council website here.

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