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Court / Man who injured police officer remanded in custody

A MAN from Sutherland has been remanded in custody awaiting sentence after appearing via video link at Lerwick Sheriff Court on Wednesday.

Ryan Murray, from Strathy but currently remanded in custody at Grampian Prison, pled guilty to three charges including assaulting a police officer to his injury and struggling violently with police officers while in the execution of their duty.

Procurator fiscal Duncan Mackenzie told the court how the 34-year-old behaved in a belligerent and aggressive way towards two police officers at the Trench bar in Lerwick in the early hours of 3 February.

Murray was subsequently arrested but continued to struggle with the officers while they were trying to hand cuff him.

The two police constables eventually manged to get him into a police van but just as they were closing the vehicle’s door Murray kicked one of the constables in the face injuring him.

Sheriff Ian Cruickshank refused an application to release Murray on bail while reports, including a restriction of liberty assessment, are being prepared.

The sheriff said he was not convinced that Murray would appear at court for sentencing “on his own steam” as he had not followed previous court orders which had resulted in two warrants being issued.

The sheriff added that in recent weeks he had made it clear that people who assault police officers should be dealt in a harsh way. Sentence has been deferred until 28 August, and Murray will appear via video link from Grampian Prison.

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