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Transport / Survey aims to examine usage of old swimming pool car park

The old swimming pool cark park in Lerwick. Photo: Shetland News

A SURVEY is set to be carried out in Lerwick to examine how the old swimming pool car park is used. Living Lerwick is on the lookout for an individual or group to carry out the survey over a two week period in August and September.

A daily rate of £100 will be on offer, with a total of £1,200 available.

Living Lerwick manager Emma Miller said the aim is to get a better evidence base around how the old swimming poor car park is used.

It comes as plans are progressed for the possible redevelopment of the Lerwick lanes area, which includes the car park site.

Concern has been raised throughout the process by some in the community about the potential loss of car parking space as a result of redevelopment.

“We know it’s very busy and even more so on days when Victoria Pier is closed to manage cruise passenger transport, so we just want to have an accurate record of the busier times of day(s),” Miller said.

“We intend that the outcome of this exercise, and direct feedback from our members, will contribute to constructive discussions with the council on more appropriate options to consider in developing the area.”

Anyone interested in the role should contact – with a closing date of 31 July.

In May councillors picked their preferred option for the redevelopment which was said to be a “compromise” of housing, parking and green space.

Under those plans, the number of car parking on site would reduce from 144 spaces to 123.

However, the preferred option – estimated to cost more than £2.5 million – was the only one which would preserve part of the existing community garden, and offered the most opportunity for housing development.

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